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Deviation from ideal model
Bonds Angles Chirality Planarity Dihedral Molprobity
#     Model     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     Clash     Rot-out     Ram-out     Ram-fv
1 T0003EM119_1 0.011 0.098 54152 1.368 17.636 73094 0.061 0.328 8890 0.005 0.041 9576 9.012 179.751 33642 24.330 0.250 1.540 82.880
2 T0003EM123_1 0.090 0.162 110082 1.717 13.242 200676 0.084 0.552 8932 0.015 0.159 16758 8.732 81.890 42532 18.010 0.940 0.770 94.270
3 T0003EM130_1 0.005 0.039 25508 1.109 16.457 33726 0.049 0.218 3808 0.004 0.027 4690 6.903 34.715 13888 2.600 0.000 0.000 91.250
4 T0003EM130_2 0.006 0.045 23450 1.047 8.556 30996 0.050 0.175 3430 0.005 0.022 4312 7.356 47.187 12698 5.240 0.000 0.000 91.020
5 T0003EM133_1 0.006 0.050 54362 1.240 18.049 73402 0.060 0.328 8932 0.007 0.051 9618 18.971 179.998 33768 7.780 1.410 0.190 90.230
6 T0003EM164_1 0.029 0.249 53480 2.230 18.504 72044 0.128 0.435 8904 0.012 0.056 9282 15.437 144.996 33236 13.300 4.450 1.150 90.010
7 T0003EM164_2 0.030 0.249 53480 2.231 18.493 72044 0.130 0.439 8904 0.012 0.057 9282 15.437 144.994 33236 13.280 4.450 1.150 90.000
8 T0003EM192_1 0.005 0.069 54306 0.947 8.553 73346 0.050 0.185 8932 0.004 0.047 9618 6.160 69.376 33698 2.790 0.000 0.000 96.090
9 T0003EM5w0s 0.008 0.074 54306 0.977 9.097 73346 0.057 0.199 8932 0.006 0.051 9618 6.963 74.407 33698 7.400 0.250 0.000 96.930
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