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Per Chain Analysis (PHENIX)
#     Chain     box CC
1 Y 0.787
2 2 0.787
3 R 0.786
4 B 0.777
5 Q 0.775
6 U 0.775
7 X 0.770
8 N 0.767
9 S 0.767
10 W 0.763
11 1 0.761
12 H 0.759
13 G 0.758
14 V 0.758
15 P 0.757
16 K 0.755
17 E 0.753
18 J 0.753
19 C 0.750
20 L 0.750
21 M 0.749
22 D 0.742
23 Z 0.742
24 F 0.735
25 T 0.732
26 I 0.729
27 O 0.728
28 A 0.705
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