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Estimates of
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Superposition-free measures
(similarity of local
geometric features)
Superposition-based measures
(rigid body similarity)
#     Model     Molprb     Clash     Rot-out     Ram-out     Ram-fv     DFIRE     ProQ     QMEAN     DAVIS_QA     LDDT     CAD     RMSD     GDT_TS     GDT_HA     LGA_S     TMscore     TMalign
1 T0001EM119_1_A 1.615 5.43 0.00 0.00 95.36 -316.25 0.735 0.725 0.821 0.825 0.769 1.389 90.348 78.0075 92.96 0.947 0.918
2 T0001EM123_1_A 0.649 0.42 0.00 0.00 98.68 -353.71 0.803 0.836 0.817 0.870 0.801 1.316 91.297 82.5975 93.343 0.954 0.925
3 T0001EM123_2_A 0.972 0.42 0.00 1.32 95.36 -359.14 0.771 0.816 0.808 0.873 0.809 1.537 90.506 81.49 92.932 0.943 0.919
4 T0001EM130_1_S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12.059 - 0.118
5 T0001EM130_2_B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19.781 - 0.199
6 T0001EM133_1_A 2.229 4.49 4.35 0.00 91.03 -310.31 0.720 0.699 0.780 0.801 0.755 1.765 91.772 74.525 94.684 0.932 0.935
7 T0001EM164_1_A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.165 - 0.047
8 T0001EM181_1_A 3.101 35.94 2.96 1.32 82.12 -223.84 0.408 0.582 0.641 0.512 0.497 3.244 65.665 44.4625 83.791 0.762 0.838
9 T0001EM181_2_a - 6.45 - - - 23864.85 - - 0.133 - - 25.042 12.816 7.2775 23.941 0.152 0.326
10 T0001EM192_1_A 1.562 2.09 0.74 0.00 88.74 -309.33 0.720 - 0.818 0.809 0.755 1.425 90.032 76.9 93.174 0.943 0.914
11 T0001EM194_1_a 1.742 3.35 0.00 2.13 87.23 -286.64 0.679 0.622 0.794 0.716 0.675 1.588 85.127 68.6725 90.628 0.926 0.899
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