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#     Model     Method     TM score
1 T0203EM016_1 optim auto+man 1.000
2 T0203EM002_2 not_optim auto 0.999
3 T0203EM002_1 abinit+opt auto 0.999
4 T0203EM7kjr reference - 1.000
5 T0203EM007_1 optim auto+man 1.000
6 T0203EM005_1 not_optim auto+man 1.000
7 T0203EM003_1 optim auto+man 0.999
8 T0203EM003_2 optim auto+man 0.999
9 T0203EM010_1 abinit+opt auto+man 0.988
10 T0203EM009_1 optim auto+man 0.999
11 T0203EM006_1 abinit+opt auto+man 0.953
12 T0203EM011_1 abinit+opt auto+man 0.999
13 T0203EM008_1 optim auto+man 0.999
14 T0203EM001_3 optim auto+man 0.998
15 T0203EM001_2 optim auto+man 0.998
16 T0203EM017_1 optim auto 0.998
17 T0203EM001_1 abinit+opt auto+man 0.963
18 T0203EM004_1 abinit+opt auto+man 1.000
19 T0203EM002_3 abinit+opt auto 0.998
20 T0203EM012_1 optim auto+man 1.000
21 T0203EM014_1 optim manual 0.999
22 T0203EM004_2 abinit+opt auto+man 0.972
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