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Deviation from ideal model
Bonds Angles Chirality Planarity Dihedral Molprobity
#     Model     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     Clash     Rot-out     Ram-out     Ram-fv
1 T0006EM119_2 0.019 0.199 33792 1.590 11.947 46104 0.081 0.392 4820 0.013 0.106 6088 16.812 180.000 19800 12.040 0.770 0.100 96.890
2 T0006EM123_1 0.091 0.162 65028 1.750 13.413 116940 0.088 0.307 4820 0.019 0.148 9928 9.649 139.769 26292 9.070 1.720 0.200 97.160
3 T0006EM130_2 0.007 0.082 25972 1.166 17.081 35232 0.064 0.461 3848 0.010 0.092 4544 8.116 74.800 14796 5.440 0.330 0.520 91.710
4 T0006EM130_4 0.009 0.108 24280 1.251 16.953 32896 0.062 0.305 3592 0.010 0.101 4196 7.992 74.124 13756 5.040 0.000 0.490 87.130
5 T0006EM133_1 0.008 0.081 33468 1.295 19.128 45660 0.067 0.491 4752 0.010 0.074 6036 21.811 179.998 19596 11.330 0.810 0.620 90.260
6 T0006EM192_2 0.008 0.100 33792 1.308 15.135 46104 0.067 0.264 4820 0.008 0.097 6088 15.679 179.978 19800 6.590 0.000 0.200 95.200
7 T0006EM5a1a 0.008 0.419 33792 1.204 30.785 46104 0.039 0.281 4820 0.005 0.145 6088 17.731 179.994 19800 14.000 1.030 0.590 95.390
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