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Deviation from ideal model
Bonds Angles Chirality Planarity Dihedral Molprobity
#     Model     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     Clash     Rot-out     Ram-out     Ram-fv
1 T0007EM118_1 0.090 0.152 10866 4.328 19.446 19607 0.240 0.881 860 0.033 0.157 1674 18.308 164.642 4402 6.110 4.670 5.060 80.210
2 T0007EM119_1 0.010 0.075 9905 1.243 14.339 13508 0.058 0.438 1555 0.007 0.082 1684 8.846 88.922 5776 35.890 0.190 0.830 85.880
3 T0007EM123_1 0.091 0.211 19588 1.728 15.716 35389 0.081 0.348 1555 0.012 0.137 2850 7.207 80.501 7922 16.400 0.000 0.250 97.360
4 T0007EM130_1 0.006 0.057 4890 1.419 15.472 6536 0.060 0.193 792 0.011 0.151 832 8.880 66.435 2633 9.750 0.300 0.740 86.910
5 T0007EM130_3 0.007 0.064 4981 1.533 14.939 6627 0.070 0.357 838 0.009 0.136 840 9.509 55.687 2699 17.560 1.240 0.280 87.460
6 T0007EM133_2 0.009 0.186 9865 1.396 16.677 13451 0.071 0.502 1547 0.010 0.110 1678 9.798 75.541 5752 14.610 1.530 0.080 88.310
7 T0007EM164_1 0.035 1.408 3183 3.200 36.231 4320 0.136 1.316 505 0.024 0.253 550 16.236 89.333 1913 85.210 28.660 7.200 83.470
8 T0007EM189_1 0.021 0.140 4959 2.522 17.617 6763 0.130 1.131 761 0.018 0.128 883 11.993 89.949 2973 158.280 8.150 2.440 91.690
9 T0007EM192_1 0.007 0.074 3183 1.545 18.139 4320 0.070 0.312 505 0.008 0.091 550 8.020 79.817 1913 8.460 0.900 0.270 81.430
10 T0007EM5a63mapA 0.015 0.915 10196 1.798 28.019 13936 0.109 1.305 1655 0.010 0.193 1712 15.075 103.255 5908 38.760 13.740 2.150 91.490
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