  model coordinates only   fit to EM map   vs reference structure   vs other models   Comparative Analyses
Filter by method: ab-initio  optimized cryoEM model       fully automated partially automated, with some manual steps     
Per residue DAVIS_QA score (models consensus score)
(0.8; 1.0) (0.6; 0.8) (0.4; 0.6) (0.2; 0.4) (0.0; 0.2) N/A
#     Model     Method     DAVIS_QA   
1. T0103EM041_2_A ab-initio auto 0.98   
2. T0103EM082_1_A ab-initio auto 0.97   
3. T0103EM082_2_A ab-initio auto 0.97   
4. T0103EM025_1_A optimized auto 0.97   
5. T0103EM038_1_A optimized auto 0.97   
6. T0103EM010_1_A ab-initio man. 0.97   
7. T0103EM028_1_A ab-initio man. 0.95   
8. T0103EM035_1_A ab-initio man. 0.97   
9. T0103EM041_1_A ab-initio man. 0.97   
10. T0103EM054_1_A ab-initio man. 0.84   
11. T0103EM054_2_A ab-initio man. 0.93   
12. T0103EM060_1_A ab-initio man. 0.93   
13. T0103EM060_2_A ab-initio man. 0.93   
14. T0103EM073_1_A ab-initio man. 0.92   
15. T0103EM090_1_A ab-initio man. 0.97   
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