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Deviation from ideal model
Bonds Angles Chirality Planarity Dihedral Molprobity
#     Model     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     rmsd     max     count     Clash     Rot-out     Ram-out     Ram-fv
1 T0008EM120_1 0.015 0.667 164528 1.823 28.131 245500 0.125 1.359 31345 0.027 0.230 13420 17.448 179.968 87972 1.090 2.380 0.140 94.710
2 T0008EM130_2 0.063 3.463 87994 1.718 106.849 128150 0.073 2.289 17966 0.008 0.125 7099 14.473 179.858 50322 13.020 0.810 0.530 85.140
3 T0008EM131_1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21.060 3.818 3.315 85.549
4 T0008EM192_2 0.008 0.137 164453 0.996 17.940 245452 0.052 0.615 31343 0.006 0.095 13428 15.678 179.998 87915 4.520 0.410 0.840 88.170
5 T0008EM5afi 0.005 0.183 164453 0.805 11.079 245452 0.037 0.372 31343 0.004 0.044 13428 15.796 180.000 87915 9.850 3.270 3.320 85.600
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