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EM Map TemPy Phenix EMRinger
#     Model     MapID     Resol.     CCC     LAP     ENV     MI     overall FSC     box CC     Resol.(FSC=0.5)     EMRinger score
1 T0008EM130_2 emd_2847 2.9 - - - - - - - 3.31725
2 T0008EM192_2 emd_2847 2.9 0.55193 0.36317 0.89152 0.15376 0.65390 0.65340 3.393 2.73020
3 T0008EM120_1 emd_2847 2.9 0.54621 0.35249 0.89148 0.15254 0.59900 0.59860 3.570 3.19913
4 T0008EM5afi emd_2847 2.9 0.32389 0.19473 0.95653 0.05023 0.62320 0.62280 3.284 2.22416
5 T0008EM131_1 emd_2847 2.9 0.01794 0.00012 0.96323 0.00593 - - - 0.15359
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