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Comparison to other
submitted models
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Estimates of
model accuracy
Superposition-free measures
(similarity of local
geometric features)
Superposition-based measures
(rigid body similarity)
#     Model     Molprb     Clash     Rot-out     Ram-out     Ram-fv     DFIRE     ProQ     QMEAN     DAVIS_QA     LDDT     CAD     RMSD     GDT_TS     GDT_HA     LGA_S     TMscore     TMalign
1 T0003EM119_1_A 2.417 16.65 0.00 1.54 82.88 -920.39 0.796 0.699 0.822 0.667 0.661 12.332 48.044 32.92 46.726 0.639 0.640
2 T0003EM123_1_A 1.701 5.74 0.74 0.77 94.25 -1077.21 0.863 0.715 0.831 0.720 0.707 12.167 48.616 34.3075 47.522 0.643 0.645
3 T0003EM130_1_A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.509 - 0.050
4 T0003EM130_2_A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.69 - 0.077
5 T0003EM133_1_A 2.001 4.60 1.98 0.19 90.23 -1044.12 0.849 0.785 0.839 0.694 0.701 12.419 47.662 32.68 46.89 0.640 0.638
6 T0003EM164_1_A 1.755 0.52 4.96 1.15 90.02 -835.66 0.888 0.784 0.796 0.733 0.736 12.144 45.181 30.39 44.294 0.646 0.648
7 T0003EM164_2_A 1.755 0.52 4.96 1.15 90.02 -835.80 0.898 0.785 0.796 0.733 0.736 12.144 45.181 30.39 44.319 0.646 0.648
8 T0003EM192_1_A 1.134 1.41 0.25 0.00 96.17 -1072.34 0.942 0.838 0.860 0.763 0.761 12.281 49.141 35.165 47.974 0.642 0.646
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